Thursday 24 July, 2008

New-Clear Deal...

For the last two days we have seen a lot of dramas. Vote for sale,vote for cash,cash for abstain, so on...Dramas having quick twist and turns.A dramas filled with suspense. vagera vagera.
And at d in alll thrillers UPA tasted d victory..boasting dey conured d world..any way all these dramaz,hypes,horse tradingz,cash dealing are der every time...Differnce is dat eariler evryone used to do it through the backdoor..but nw itz moved on to d center stage..
All these started with d N-deal...wether to be signed or not.According my personnel opinion and what i ve read,N-deal is an inevitable one.We are moving into an era in which there is goin to hve an acute scarsity of energy.So it is high time nw that we have to start lookin for othr options.Power generation according to experts is 15-20 percent below the requirement.This is largely affect the people in the form of perpectual power shortages and outages.As time goes on,dis gap seem to grow.n diz will surely have an adverse effect to the attainment of targeted 8% growth in d economy.
We cannot depend largly hydro-electric energy because it coverz a huge space,displacin often lot of people n depleting d forest resource.We cannot depend heavily on coal because it causes pollution.We cannot opt for solar enegy because itz costly to store, not available all d time and not at all reliable.Researches are been goin on worldwide to use more n more renewable resources to develp power on a regular basis..Therefore at dis moment of time .a practical option left in front of us is d atomic energy.Itz non polliuting and does not add to d green house effect.More over with a small amont of fuel a very large amount of energy can be generated.Uranium dat is enriched over here is not of the highest quality.More over ders not much fuel left in India.Countries like Australia ,Canada are d largest producers of uranium.They wlii provide Uranium only if we sign the deal.
Although the option for atomic fuel is supportive. The deal as such is not agreeable .Actually no one knowz wats der in d deal..wat is d content.wat r d agreementz..The govt is to be blamed for complicating the matter .They shuld have made it transparent..According to the experts the Hyde act ,which provides legal sanction for the123 agreement with india has two sides to it.While some sayz itz necessary to sign d deal for ensuring the uninterrepted supply of power ,others says it forms only 3% of India's total energy mix.
In this back drop the Govt. of India needs to make an honest judgement on wether diz deal is vialble and can be done in all termz acceptable to our country.It needz to be done if d energy needs are to be addressed amidst all the power playz and political intermissionz.