Wednesday 3 December, 2008

Attacks and afterattacks..

For last one week,we are witnessing what we should'nt.The smell of blood,red flesh and a lot of dead bodies-these scenes  created a pulse in us.A pulse of anger!!!Well ,what ever we say, the past is past and we can't change that.What we can do is to channel our anguish into action.An action to eliminate the terrorist,an action to prevent these insanity .A determination to make India a safe nation.
Some of my earnest opinions of what should be done are listed below.Like everyone ,these are my personal opinions,some may be practical and some are not.

1. Perdicting and Contending the attacks : An effective and sustainable mechanism should be formulated on an  immediate basis to  ensure that these anti social creatures are checked even before they enter into our territory.
- Installation of the most modern and sophisticated gadgets where ever possible,
-Equipping our military forces with the latest technogical weapons that are combatible with any enemy,prevent
-re-orientation of our intelligence and police cell with 'inteligent' and 'efficient' personnels,
- Effective arrangements for the collection of information regarding any suspicious act...etc are some of measures that comes under the prevention of terrorist attaks.

2.Centralized security system : Our current structure is not good enough.The loop holes are many which the attackers can mobilize.A centralized security system will ensure better sharing of information ,better co-0peration and eliminating internal fights and egos between different departments .It will also enable us to act quickly according to the environment.There was a talking point on the delay for the arrival of the commandos.Had it not  been the case, we could have reduced the casualities.Any way ,now no place for had's and if's.

3.Deputize politicians with professionals : There are a large sector of people who see politics as a way to earn their daily bread.Even though it is impossible to eliminate or aviod them,the political parties should show some resposiblility in forting the important and diplomatic positions with experts and professionals.Those who know the technical and mangement aspects of their concerned field.
The days of tradional politics is over.It is the era of professionalism and that has to be implemented in to our constitution.What is happening at present in Indian politics is now way forgivable.

4.Treatment of the commandos : A small eg. -our Indian cricket team arrives into Mumbai wankade stadium in luxury buses.Look how these commandos,who faught selflessly for the country came to the attack spot??..Does it sounds awkward??.A change in this attitude is needed.Treat them well.They are the diamonds of our country.Life of each commando is precious.Things should be done to increase their moral level.Increasing their remuneration,providing with technologically advanced weapons ..and a lot more has to be dat.!!

5.Take the cops away from the personal securty of politicians : About 10000 security personnels are takin guard of about 400 odd politicians.Such an absurd figure!! Clearly,they have been often misused by these politicans.Those Shiv Raj Patils and Raj Thackerys are mocking jokers.Why should they be safeguarded?Utilize the service of these guard for the protection of the public.

6.Pressurize Pakistan to take immediate actions : What all measures we have taken ,it will not be sufficient if our neighbours and one time brothers continue to a migrane.A per the recent scenario ,where some of the US,Israel,UK,Japanese,Australian,italian citizens became the victims,these attacks can be seen as a warning not only for India,but for the whole world.This is the time we have to get the support of these nations and put pressure on Pakistan to take the actions ASAP.

7.Each of us to be more alert : When officals forget their duty,we have to act responsibly.Due to technical or some other reason,the officials may not be able to spread their eyes to each and every corner.Its the duty of we, citizens,to ensure that right information reaches the right person and right steps are taken .At the end of the day it is the life of the common man that matters.

Much more can be done.The terrorist has no religion,no face and no soul but some inhuman hidden agendas.We have been on the passive side for a long time.Now ,its the time to act.If not now,then we will never.