I was in Bhopal these days.Walking through the streets in the capital city of M.P, I realized some very abominable facts. Some facts which we have not seen.Especilally not in Kerala.Facts that makes us dingy.Its all about the Planet Slum ..in Bhopal..
I know the slum thing is not confined to Bhopal.Its there in Mumbai,its there in
Delhi,Kolkata,Chennai,Ahmedabad and so on...But what i have seen is disgusting and depressing.
Those children over there just dont know whats a bath room or
toilet is like!!!..often see these children do a wee-wee on sides of public road!!..By their appearence,its sure that water is an unseen chemical compund for them.I dont think they ever like to use a toilet..!when nature provides the space n they have the gutts,even if they have sanitary facilities..they might tend to use the roads...
I have also seen men who very cheerfully putting their mind and effort playin cards,carroms and 'chathurangam' all the time..!!Why are they just not puting these effort in doing some business and improve their current condition.??..Questions unanswered.!
Like they never care about their situvation...No determination to raise their standards or of the family situvation,they just cant do it..!
No current,no water,no food, depleted roads,unclean living conditions ,unhygenic sourroundings all are perfect contribution for diseases and substandardness.
Thus...this is the story of the PlANET SLUM..! and this story is similar to all the hi-fi cosmos..!This is the story of real INDIA.Real Harsh WORLD!