Friday 12 June, 2009

Young India concept- The "Ideanation"

"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others... he sends forth atiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

-- Robert F. Kennedy (19251968)

The journey has begun.

It's our wish how to drive.Either we can look straight ,forget the sides and trace a straight path or we can look around the and take the corners ,caring for others on the way.First method are for selfish .They dont care for the corners or who are with them and move through the easy path.Such people reaches the desitnation pretty much faster than the second.But they don't create any ripples and they lack energy.Second method are for the real humans,one who has eyes to look around,one who has the will to help others.

We constantly hear about the young India ,India going young in the parilament and all sorts of publicity stunts putup by the political parties and supported by the medias.In my personnel opinion,the number of young MP's in our parliament is a false statement.99 percentage of these so called MP's are the sons,daughters or kins of some reputed politicians.Young India lies not in the mercy of these politicians or in the angles of the parliament.India lies in the villages and towns where still the 3/4th of the indian population still struggles.Among these 3/4th, almost another 3/4th are living below poverty line.This is the real frightening face of our 'Young India' even after 62 years of Independence.

We can no more bank only upon the politicians for rebuilding our villages and provinces which were once self sufficient.If we can combine the ripples that each one of us make,it is going to be much faster ,much stronger and much stable .I have got some ideas in this sense.I hope these idea can atleast triger a small wave and energise others.

Idea no 1. Start from the root. Our country is strongly rooted to the villages.Conditions very much deplorable,where old and evil practices still prevails.Light of knowledge restriced at many places even in this modern era. The outcome of the rural education schemes like Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme etc are rather dissaponting.The pace which these schemes are intiated are to yet to catch the pace with the modern methodologies.Free school education and higher education for the deserving ones have to implemented on a more effective way.Indian heart lives in the rural area and unless we make rural India literate ,India can never really wear the tag of a developed nation.

Idea no 2. Rural Infrastructure development . Deteriorated living conditions,lack of water supply,power supply ,roads etc are the facebook of rural India.We have to convice our 'millionaires and semi millionaires ' to contribute to the infrastuctural development on a moral ground . It will take ages if we rely upon government schemes.Tax reduction for those who contribute in this manner may encourage many rich to start donationg.But ultimately the mesuers are to be taken by the government.

Idea no 3. Increase the productiveness. Unproductivity is the worst phenomenon the stands as a hinderance in way of development.No matter whether its a city or a town or a village ,it is there everywhere.I personally have seen in the slumps of Bhopal where youth kill there time playin cards,carroms and cricket allround 24 x 7.Then they place the guilt on the government body fot the innefectiveness.Waiting for the grants and subsidies they waste their precious time.If we can make them understand ,realize there real capablities and gravitate towards the economic develoment ,it will be a very good idea. Place to place "Eye Openig Camps " may be a good idea.But for this also a collective effort of individuals and government will workout.

I agree with the fact that its very easy to caricate the methods but diificult to implement.But if we are really passionate about this,if we can afford to have the same fire in the belly,if we are strongly determined ,its not impossible! Mine is just 3 of the million remedies.If each one of us can figureout atlest one solution then a million solutions are well and by far going to be enough.

Let us just do it.!