Friday 12 June, 2009

Young India concept- The "Ideanation"

"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others... he sends forth atiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

-- Robert F. Kennedy (19251968)

The journey has begun.

It's our wish how to drive.Either we can look straight ,forget the sides and trace a straight path or we can look around the and take the corners ,caring for others on the way.First method are for selfish .They dont care for the corners or who are with them and move through the easy path.Such people reaches the desitnation pretty much faster than the second.But they don't create any ripples and they lack energy.Second method are for the real humans,one who has eyes to look around,one who has the will to help others.

We constantly hear about the young India ,India going young in the parilament and all sorts of publicity stunts putup by the political parties and supported by the medias.In my personnel opinion,the number of young MP's in our parliament is a false statement.99 percentage of these so called MP's are the sons,daughters or kins of some reputed politicians.Young India lies not in the mercy of these politicians or in the angles of the parliament.India lies in the villages and towns where still the 3/4th of the indian population still struggles.Among these 3/4th, almost another 3/4th are living below poverty line.This is the real frightening face of our 'Young India' even after 62 years of Independence.

We can no more bank only upon the politicians for rebuilding our villages and provinces which were once self sufficient.If we can combine the ripples that each one of us make,it is going to be much faster ,much stronger and much stable .I have got some ideas in this sense.I hope these idea can atleast triger a small wave and energise others.

Idea no 1. Start from the root. Our country is strongly rooted to the villages.Conditions very much deplorable,where old and evil practices still prevails.Light of knowledge restriced at many places even in this modern era. The outcome of the rural education schemes like Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme etc are rather dissaponting.The pace which these schemes are intiated are to yet to catch the pace with the modern methodologies.Free school education and higher education for the deserving ones have to implemented on a more effective way.Indian heart lives in the rural area and unless we make rural India literate ,India can never really wear the tag of a developed nation.

Idea no 2. Rural Infrastructure development . Deteriorated living conditions,lack of water supply,power supply ,roads etc are the facebook of rural India.We have to convice our 'millionaires and semi millionaires ' to contribute to the infrastuctural development on a moral ground . It will take ages if we rely upon government schemes.Tax reduction for those who contribute in this manner may encourage many rich to start donationg.But ultimately the mesuers are to be taken by the government.

Idea no 3. Increase the productiveness. Unproductivity is the worst phenomenon the stands as a hinderance in way of development.No matter whether its a city or a town or a village ,it is there everywhere.I personally have seen in the slumps of Bhopal where youth kill there time playin cards,carroms and cricket allround 24 x 7.Then they place the guilt on the government body fot the innefectiveness.Waiting for the grants and subsidies they waste their precious time.If we can make them understand ,realize there real capablities and gravitate towards the economic develoment ,it will be a very good idea. Place to place "Eye Openig Camps " may be a good idea.But for this also a collective effort of individuals and government will workout.

I agree with the fact that its very easy to caricate the methods but diificult to implement.But if we are really passionate about this,if we can afford to have the same fire in the belly,if we are strongly determined ,its not impossible! Mine is just 3 of the million remedies.If each one of us can figureout atlest one solution then a million solutions are well and by far going to be enough.

Let us just do it.!

Thursday 28 May, 2009

Manchester United is still the Best..!

Back to the business again after a short break.
Yesterday...It was a horrific day.
UCL final Barcelona vs Manutd.
All day, I was anxious for finale kick off.I sufferd from a slight cold and head ache.I feared ;was it a bad sign? Normally,I get a gutt feeling who's going to win the match .This time I was cynical.But still I outsmarted my heart .I found relief when my head stressed for a Manchester victory.Any way match started.I saw the match only for 10 minutes.I new exactly where it was heading when Eto-o struck the early goal.All my anxiety was washed out like in a heavy rain.I took the sleepimg pills and went to my bed,had a sound sleep untill my sweet brother(eh) animated me .The result was written on his delirious face.I acted like I was unmoved by the stupid result ,turned to the other side and emoted into the sleeping mode.I was very much disturbed because Messi scored the some laboriuos sorting out in my mind i went into sleep.I accept it was an unspirited behaviour ,but. My 09 Champions league final was a disaster.
Okke its fine now.Barca may have defeated Manchester United ,but still I believe Manutd is the best. They are the first team to play back to back champions league finals.Usually the holders are thrown out of the tournament in the pre-quarters. This is nothing less than an amazing achievement. Even without UCL, Manutd are still treble winners bagging Club world cup,League cup and Premier League.25 match unbeaten record in UCL.Manutd regularly generates legends rather than buying.Sir Bobby charlton to Ronaldo...the list is uncountable and many more to come.18 EPL titles , 3 UCL , 2 Clubworld cup and many more .Adding to that,the gaffer Sir Alex Fergusons's presence provides a special charisma and dynamism to the club .
Manutd will surely rise from this ash and the wounded RedDevils are much more dangerous . All sadists can enjoy for the moment .
Manutd fan fore ever.

Thursday 19 March, 2009

The Elephant,the Tiger,the Cell phone and the Congress Ticket..

Yesterday(19March'09) after hearing the list of MP candidates from Kerala,one name caught my attention and I was very much delighted.After all the suspense and anxiety,Trivandrum Congress ticket is finally awarded to Sashi Tharoor.I was elated not because I am a Die hard fan of him nor the congress,and I am not into any party sort of things.But because ....because atleast now a genuine person is there in the fight from Kerala.One who ,if he wins ,can become the Face of Kerala.

Well if one is not sure of Tharoor's credentials, you can get as many as details from the
internet...Born  in London,educated in India and US,First editor of Fletcher Forum ofInternational affairs,Author of nine fantastic books( including award winning ones like The Great Indian Novel and the latest The elephant ,the tiger and the cell phone), Former UN-Undersecretary during Kofi Annan regime,Offical nominee of India for UN general secretar post which he came second out of the seven competitors.Very well respected in the international community.There are many more awards and recognitions credited to his name ,but my theme is not to campaign for him..!

These are the type of personalities that we should be looking for.Out of the twenty current MP's from Kerala or the ones from the past ,how many made an attempt for a single speech or to voice for our state?? Ofcourse once but it was rarest of the rare incidents and it did'nt find any solution.Before and after that, there is none.!! The problem is they just cant raise their voice upto the National leaders or rather they get intimidated by the North Indian approach of how getting things done. Tamil Nadu is far better in getting things done.We have seen how fast the coramandel ports are growing.The elavated highways..!How fast cities like Banglore,Hyderabad and Ahmedabad are growing.Lalu Prasad doing great things for Bihar in alloting more trains,Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar working wonders for their respective states,Shiela Dixit doing it for Delhi..And why its not happening for us? When is the construction of Smart City going to start??So what is the problem with us?? The problem is lack of communication skills,lack of leadership quality at the national level,lack of passion for development and welfare of the people,lack of international exposure,lack of charisma and lack of professionalism.

Change is inevitable ....and so our politics.We should fort,develop and encourage as many such leaders.Leaders who can argue for our who knows how to get things done..who can approach who can keep their heads high in any situvation...who can become the Face of the Nation..!!Whom we can be proud of.Is this the begining in that direction??Even the left parties have given party tickets to young cadets,some of them having potential to beacon at the capital.I am optimistic that our future is going to be bright.But as if now,Shashi Tharoor is the only one who has that dynamism to stand upto anyone.Hope if he wins,he keep up his name.

Else we will continue hearing.. Kerala ignored in Railway budget,there is not enough in the Finance budget,no metro railway for Cochin,no Vallarpadam an so on..So which is better???? 

Thursday 12 February, 2009

Namesake........! where is the freedom of Rights?

Recently All India Barber's Union filed a case against the Srk starring Billu Barber,the remake of our very own 'kathaparayumbol'.They felt that the name is insulting the profession of hairdressers.For avoiding further controversies, the producers of the film were swift to change the name to just BILLU..! After the name change too,Srk's residence was attacked...!What they need now? Can't even agree that the name was derogetory for the barber community.

When SlumDog Millionaire baged the Golden Globes and attracted
 apprecitation from all over the globe, some groups in India were
 busy trying to play with the name of the film as well as the content. Some said its tarring the image of shining India projecting the life in the slum.Some concentrated that 'Slumdog' is insulting the sentiments of the people in the slum.But they are not understanding the fact that this is real India where 60% lives in slums and rural areas.What is the mistakes in others knowing this?Easy to shout on the name of a 'name' but solutions of the real problems are hard to find out.!

On Janvary 24, the pub Amnesia and ladies in mangalore were attacked by a group of animals who themselves called Sri ram sena. Sad, a group which is named after Ram getting engaged in such animous activity.Proclaiming as the moral police and trying to save the Indian culture,they rampaged into the pub, terrorised the women community partying inside the pub and assaulted the stranger who came speaking for the 
girls.Next day Sri ram sena, an unknown entity till last year went famous...!So as Pramod Muthalik.Last year it was MNS and Raj Thackerey who struggled to make their name heard in the news channels.Renuka Chowdri,Minister of state for women and some feminist organisations came with words of anger in the intial state but soon went into oblivion.

  Chinese proverb had stressed-" Every one is free to swing his arms,but his arm should end just before other one's nose."
But here in India,one is crushing other's face.Some in the name of culture,some saying the case of insult.Where is the right of freedom? These issues mentioned above are just an example of a large category.This happens only in India.The rights are there only in  books of  the laws and those who are tipped to instal law and order convinently twist the laws in terms of their friends.Protest and demonstration by the opposition against the offenders capture the streets for a week and after that when the topic loses the charm,the public will soon learn to forget things quickly.

Concluding,in India....not only right of freedom ,but any right is going to be difficult to get inducted.Our law and security is so inneficient that no wonder why Jihadiz tempt to target Indian cities and people so often.We always like suffering.Will ever this situvation change ? Heh...well I am cynical on this issue.Looking forward to the Valentine's Day !!

Wednesday 7 January, 2009

Planet bhopal..

I was in Bhopal these days.Walking through the streets in the capital city of M.P, I realized some very abominable facts. Some facts which we have not seen.Especilally not in Kerala.Facts that makes us dingy.Its all about the Planet Slum Bhopal..
I know the slum thing is not confined to Bhopal.Its there in Mumbai,its there in
Delhi,Kolkata,Chennai,Ahmedabad and so on...But what i have seen is disgusti
ng and depressing.
The deteriorated conditions of the houses(in fact it cant be even classified as a house..some what a like tent!!!), no toilet facilities muliplied with the high population  all make it a struggle of life.The height of these houses are 2 or 3 inches lesser than me with about 2 meter breadth n 3 meter length!!Well if that is not a problem,then the exhausting fact is the number of people in each of these houses.Imagine 5 to 8 people sharing 4x2x3 cubic meters of space..!!Approx. 3 meter square for each..!Yes thats the reality..!.

Those children over there just dont know whats a bath room or
 toilet is like!!!..often see these children do a wee-wee on sides of public road!!..By their appearence,its sure that water is an unseen chemical compund for them.I dont think they ever like to use a toilet..!when nature provides the space n they have the gutts,even if they have sanitary facilities..they might tend to use the roads...

I have also seen men who very cheerfully putting their mind and effort playin cards,carroms and 'chathurangam' all the time..!!Why are they just not puting these effort in doing some business and improve their current condition.??..Questions unanswered.!
Like they never care about their situvation...No determination to raise their standards or  of the family situvation,they just cant do it..!

No current,no water,no food, depleted roads,unclean living conditions ,unhygenic sourroundings all are perfect contribution for diseases and substandardness.
Thus...this is the story of the PlANET SLUM..! and this story is similar to all the hi-fi cosmos..!This is the story of real INDIA.Real Harsh WORLD!