Tuesday 5 August, 2008

TKM Nostalgia.....

Finaly engineering over,one step conquered. ..many more to go..

Still itz crstal clear..d day i joined d college..TKM..3rd best in Kerala...!.
Dose raggings ,whch i got screwed...dose seniors whu teased me..whum to i sed all d ugliest thingz in diz world..!!(atleast in my mind)..

My hostelz...i ve changed 3 out of four!.each room seemed smethin special to me..
My bed.which was wit me for dis yrz....heh..which i mercilessly sacrificed for bein unfit to carry.!

My clz roomz .,frm 1st yr to 4th..kept changing.,but 1st and last was equally borin being isolated.!2nd n 3rd were awsme,in d sense of sketching.V ruled d clz..v ruled d college..yes .mexxstallianz..we cal ourself.

Dose profz n lectz,whu did an excellent job in moulding us into new generation techiez. Who supported us all d way..in all our activites.Espcially our advisor..Roshan Sir..without whum our crse wud ve been a boring encounter.All othrz whu registerd our undeserved attendences,..but v did a gr8 job by staying away and not distrbing d mood of d clzez.!

D xamz ...i ad to get rid off..! total 180 xamz ..!i wonder hew i managed all of dem...dose dayz were filled wit tension...wew..but it was sme xperience...itz like u hate it wen it cmes n love it wen itz not der..!

D back gate n dose junior galz! Back gate was our huntin grnd, n d girlz wer our preyz. Dat was d region wer stallions became lions. Dey wer pretty patient n co-orported with us..d pics of dose lovely ones still cherishes. thnk u for not makin an issue.V luv u! Dis was d main reson for our existence....

My frndz, whu like dat in every other's life, played a valuable role ,influencin n develpin my character,my thouts,n my believes..Dose whu made fun at my expense..n ones whum i made fun of...dem whu inspired me in bunkin clsez withut ny despair.Who taught me d art of Spirtitng d soul..both with smoke n scotch.Above all whu helped me in gettin out of diz enggi hell unscathed even once..All those sketchin boyz ..d masters in wild sketchingz..d enjoyment v got..d plesure v attain..It take sme effort to forget all dose dayz..

And many more....n if i kept ritnig like dis..it may take up d spce of a novel..so its better dat i surmise itt!

And nww...evrything over..Clgz been a distant memmory..n dose dayz.
And in d crse of tym..evryonez spreading..D dayz luk no more sweeter..experiencin d heat of boredom..Hopes i been a student fore ever,,.Tyme rewindz ..atleast for once..to rejoy all my past..!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the first comment ever made on this post...i 'm sure there will be many to follow...sharing the same living space and time with him,I should say ,to be frank most of the things he has written here were hidden stuff till now,even from his brother(that's me) and parents.....hmmmm...now I gt to know wat has happened in his collg life over the last 4 years...I had no clue watsoever till now!!!!This is a guide to people like me that helps to have a rough idea of wat college life is all about..Especially bcos i'm goin to face the same for the next 4 years or so..maybe in the same college!!!So to be frank I was impressed by his style of writing and the presentation..Believe me...I have no intentions of flattering anyone...Gr8 work bro!!Keep up the same..Expecting many more from you!!

  3. sasi... sasi....!!!!!
    from ver u copied dis...????

    plz giv a true answer...
    for all i knew for 4 yrs...
    dis cud only b a copied stuff...

    if not...

    den see a doctor soon... :)
